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Accuracy of Digital Image Analysis for Diagnosing IgG4 Related Ophthalmic Disease

Chaow Charoenkijkajorn

Scholar | Fellow Ophthalmology, Neuro-Ophthalmology

Presented at: ARVO


Views: 16

Summary: This project evaluated the accuracy and efficacy of digital pathology tools to diagnose IgG4-RD on tissue images. Quantification of IgG4 plasma cells using PCD provided the most accurate or similar results to manual counting. By contrast, there was significant variability in quantifying in IgG stains, CD138 stains, IgG4/IgG percentage ratios when using PCD. The use of digital image analysis for absolute quantification of IgG4 appears to be the most promising method to apply digital analysis for diagnosis of IgG4-RD.