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Case report of a patient with Removal of Pectoralis Major Muscle + LD flap reconstruction was performed at NCCM

Bayart-Uils Bayar

Scholar | Physician

Presented at: Global Breast Cancer Conference


Views: 12

Summary: Objectives: to help this patient with the diagnoses and best possibility of treatment as well as for her life Methods: A Case report review and discussion with multidisciplinary team tumor board and surgery after this one The case: The Case : 76 years old female presented to japan jikei university Kashiwa hospital and National Cancer Center of Mongolia in Aug 2023 to January 2024 History : Patient first noticed right breast mass in Aug.2023 and went to a breast clinic in japan, had 3cm tumor at the time,got surgery done 2 and a half month later. While waiting for surgery the mass increased in size rapidly. After mastectomy she had local reccurence + multiple lung mets a month later.   2023.nov.15 she had Modified radical mastectomy (MRM) Mass measures around 12cm in diameter and has invaded into pec major muscle. Np suspicious LNs. On surgical pathology, Malignant Phylloides tumor/Metaplastic carcinoma cannot be differentiated Surgical margins were not evaluated pT3N0Mx 2023.Dec.19 patient came in for consultation at National Cancer Center of Mongolia We did a core biopsy from the local recurrence 2023.Dec.27 recurrence undifferentiated sarcoma (penetrates into muscle tissue) with myxoid stroma gaint cells 2024.Jan.04 Removal of Pec Major Muscle + LD flap reconstruction was performed 2024.Jan.06 surgical pathology-Osteoclast Rich Osteosarcoma of the Right breast MRM surgical bed