CT scan shows a 15 cm soft tissue mass extending from the vulva into the underlying peri-vaginal pelvic soft tissue.  Multiple slides are shown; use arrows or swipe right to see all of them. 

Unknown case for my slide session with the Yale pathology residents on 3/4/2021. 
Answer & Video explanation here: https://kikoxp.com/posts/9330

A complete organized library of all my videos, digital slides, pics, & sample pathology reports is available here: https://kikoxp.com/posts/5084 (dermpath) & https://kikoxp.com/posts/5083 (bone/soft tissue sarcoma pathology).

Please check out my Soft Tissue Pathology & Dermatopathology survival guide textbooks: http://bit.ly/2Te2haB 

All digital slides for the Yale unknown session:

Yale Case 1. 35 yo woman with vulvar mass. CT scan shows a 15 cm soft tissue mass extending from the vulva into the underlying peri-vaginal pelvic soft tissue.

Yale Case 2. 50 yo man with 2 cm inguinal mass.

Yale Case 3. 60 yo man with 2 cm breast mass.

Yale Case 4. 40 yo man with small periungual papule.

Yale Case 5. 30 yo woman with back nodule. Clinical diagnosis: "sebaceous cyst".

Yale Case 6. 30 yo woman with large scalp mass.

Yale Case 7. 12 yo boy with knee pain. Radiographs show a 3 cm lytic lesion in the epiphysis of the proximal tibia. It is sharply demarcated and surrounded by a rim of sclerotic bone.  https://kikoxp.com/posts/4604

Yale Case 8. 20 yo man with knee pain. Radiographs show a 5 cm lytic lesion in the metaphysis of the proximal tibia. It is sharply demarcated and surrounded by a rim of sclerotic bone. https://kikoxp.com/posts/4606